7 Quality Checks for Promotional Goods

Quality Inspection and Quality Control

The quality of promotional goods can make or break the success of your marketing campaign. If you’re producing goods that are poorly made, cheaply manufactured or manufactured using low-quality materials, your customers will be disappointed with their experience and it could reflect poorly on your brand as well. Before you commit to any type of promotional product, make sure you know exactly what goes into making it and if it’s going to do its job of promoting your brand effectively. Here are seven top concerns of quality checks every company should know about before they start their promotional campaigns.

1) How old is the factory?

The oldest factories might not be as hygienic, and they may use equipment that is out of date. If you are looking to invest in promotional goods that are durable, it makes sense to avoid brand new factories. Many factories get into business by renting cheap equipment until they’ve earned enough money to invest in their own tools, which can lead to problems down the road. It’s also worth considering if there is a large disparity between how old certain parts of your factory are. For example, if you find one part of your factory has equipment that is 30 years old while another part has only been around for 5 years, it’s probably time to do some investigating before placing an order there.

2) What materials are they using?

Not all materials are created equal, so it’s important to be sure you’re purchasing high-quality promotional goods. Make sure you know exactly what type of material your item is made out of. This will be important when choosing a company to work with. Some companies may try to pass off lower-quality materials as being better therefore you should go for Quality Control Service. For example, if you don’t specifically ask for t-shirts that are 100% cotton, there is a chance they may give you t-shirts that are actually 80% cotton/20% polyester blend—even though 100% cotton might be prominently featured in their catalog and website copy. When ordering promo items, pay close attention to any mention of specific fabrics and ask questions if anything seems unclear.

3) Is their price fair?

One of the biggest reasons products don’t sell well is that their price is too high. It’s a simple fact: if customers can get a similar product elsewhere at a better price, they will choose that option. You know your target audience and what other options are available to them, so take advantage of that information when choosing a manufacturer. The money you save on choosing lower-cost promotional items may mean you have more to spend elsewhere – such as marketing – where it can have a bigger impact on sales. Just make sure you take steps to ensure your customers will see your product as an attractive value before investing in promotional goods from China or elsewhere.

4) Are they prompt and reliable?

Timeliness is an important quality check when it comes to promotional goods. If you’re ordering pens with your company’s logo on them with quality inspection services, being sure they are printed in a timely fashion is crucial. Delays are never good in business, so be sure to vet all of your suppliers thoroughly before placing your orders. If you find one that looks like it may not be reliable, consider switching up to another supplier.

5) Do they provide samples?

When checking out new vendors, you’ll want to ask if they offer samples. Not only will samples give you an opportunity to see how your branding looks on their products, but you’ll also be able to test quality. For example, if you plan on printing shirts with your logo on them, will it print clearly? Will it peel off after a few washes? If something isn’t up to par during your quality check, be sure to send back all of your samples and ask them to make some adjustments before placing an order.

6) Do they have good customer service?

If you’re manufacturing your own promotional items, there are two steps to ensure quality. First, check out how it’s done at existing facilities or places that offer custom services. Second, talk with your company about what quality checks will happen on their end before you produce anything. It’s also worth noting that promotional products don’t necessarily have to be made in America; they just need to meet quality standards wherever they’re produced. The best way to know what will happen is to ask questions and do research before making any purchases.

7) What’s their working procedure?

The working procedure describes what happens when a purchase order is placed and how often an order must be produced. By knowing their workflow, you’ll know how to help them streamline their process or find areas where they need help. A new business owner may not think about all of these details yet, but it’s good to ask them up front so you can plan around them later. The quality of your end product depends on getting everything right at every step along the way—and that begins with understanding your supplier’s process.

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